Below is a transcript for the video. (I apologize for all my “so”s. I never realized I said “so” so often!)
So we’re gonna take a quick look at how I use the Habit Tracker to monitor my weight. So tapping here on the clipboard icon takes us to the Habit Tracker menu, and so each month has its own habit tracker. So here’s January. January… I use this section for notes. And in January I started the year weighing 158.8 and ended the month down 5 pounds to 153.3. So I like to make 155 kind of my threshold. My goal is to stay at 155 and under. So I was a little heavier after the holidays than I had hoped to be. So what I did was…
Actually, let me just move on ahead to March. And so, tap this to bring down the Goodnotes menu and go into the edit mode from this little pencil icon on the top right. And what I’m doing here is I’m going to make this the dividing line. I have a shaky hand, it’s not very good. But one of the nice features of Goodnotes / iPad is the ability to straighten the line. (hold for a second) So that’s going to be my 155 mark. I’m going to… Let’s see here. We go to Blue. This was the blue.
And I’m going to make each of these hash marks half a pound. So I’m going to start… Well here’s… one… Like I said, I have a shaky hand. Let me undo that. Two taps to undo. 1 Actually, let me go to a little thinner stroke here…. fifty five takes it down to this one 152., 151, And then above the line will be… So, this is what I did for January. And we’ll call the top line 160.
So the dates are already there. And so every morning I weigh myself and it’s one of the first things I do when I come downstairs to have kind of my time for Bible reading, and meditation, prayer, is I will go to the habit tracker for that day and put in that day’s weight total. So for that, I just use a green mark. Let’s say we’re going to pretend tomorrow… that it’s already tomorrow, the 23rd. And unfortunately, my weight went up to 151.0. So I’m just going to draw a little circle. Again, hold it long enough to get the line to straighten out. If it really bothers you that it’s not quite centered in the circle, then you can tap on it, and adjust it that way.
And then I write down what that day’s weight was. And you’ll see below, what I’m doing, is I’m keeping track of my workouts.
So, generally speaking, I try and work out six days a week and then take Sundays as a day of rest. A rest day. So, I have a kind of a hash mark or check for strength and for cardio. And I use..: S C stands for Sydney Cummings. She’s a YouTube fitness person. So I watch on my TV with the YouTube app and do her workouts. And then some days I use the elliptical.
We have an elliptical machine and so… And then X stands for kind of extra workouts. So things extra I did and maybe I did some… One of these was shoveling, or some snow we had and others, like just some house cleaning, things like that. Give myself a little extra credit. And I usually track these on my Apple watch to determine calories and using MyFitnessPal (app) My recommended calories are 1990 per day to maintain a weight of around 152 or 153. And so if I’m under for that day, I mark an x and then MyFitnessPal tells me how many calories I was under. If I’m over, … there’s the Super Bowl. Look at that, 1527 – one day – and then I put it in red.
And same thing. I kind of used red for when I was over where I wanted to be. And then I use green for when I’m below my threshold. So this week, a lot of my weight loss like was just from getting sick. So, some kind of stomach bug. But I’ve actually kind of kept it around there. So, yeah, so that’s just kind of an example of how I’m using the Key Command Christian Planner to track… to keep track of my weight and my fitness. Every month has an inspirational quote of some kind to look at. So I hope that will be helpful to you in thinking about how you would like to use your habit tracker.