Regain Control.
Restore Your Soul.
Life is more than Getting Things Done. It's about doing what God calls you to in His strength. The 2022 Christian Planner keeps you focused on Jesus and the plans He has for you.
Get Control of Your Schedule—for God’s Sake.
“Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day. You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.”
—Dallas Willard, as quoted in The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by Jon Mark Comer
We mean well. We want to be helpful. We want to serve. But in saying yes to so many things, even good things, we lose control over ourselves. We forget self-control is a fruit of the Spirit right alongside love and joy and peace and kindness.
Ronald Rolheiser wrote in The Holy Longing, "Pathological busyness, distraction, and restlessness are major blocks today within our spiritual lives." More efficiency isn't what we need, we need more room for God to work IN our lives as much as THROUGH them. Like Jesus' friend Martha, we get so distracted with getting things done, we neglect our relationship with the One we're doing them for.
We may not have realized it, but we were in a pandemic long before COVID-19—a pandemic of "pathological busyness." After lockdowns and quarantines many people have been rethinking what "normal" and "healthy" means for their lives and schedules. They know they want things to be different. We know we do. It's why we spent most of 2021 creating the Key Command Christian Planner.
"Seriously? This is your solution?" you ask. Yes, we're serious. We know a digital planner isn't the solution: time with Jesus and His Word is. But a Christian planner is a start, a means to the end goal of living a life fully centered around Jesus. We offer it as a tool to diagnose, treat, and heal pathological busyness and keep it in remission.

It's time to start adding margin back into to your life so you can restore and deepen your connection with God, be present in the moment, and serve Christ in the world in meaningful ways. Our digital planner lets you quickly see, schedule, and manage your time more intentionally with deeply-linked daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly calendars.

Realign Your Life with Jesus at the Center.
“Slowly, but inexorably, many Christians have been brainwashed into adopting a way of life that relegates God to the periphery. It’s as invisible as it is insidious. But... scripture says those effects can be reversed. God will renew our minds, aligning our thoughts with His thoughts, to produce a saner, healthier, more peaceful, more God-honoring life, despite the fact that we’re marinated in a speed-addicted culture. Co-laboring with Him, we can once and for all break the vicious cycle that has us in bondage to busyness.
—Michael Zigarelli, "Distracted from God: A Five-Year, Woldwide Study"
There's a reason we call it "drifting away"—it's all too easy to lose our focus on our walk with Jesus and before we know it we feel distant and off-kilter. Even in his day, the Apostle Paul referred to a "warped and crooked generation." (Philippians 2:15) Our digital planner helps you re-center and stay on track in your walk with Christ.

Once you've decided on one area of life to focus on, your GOAL PLANNER helps you set a SMARTER, quarterly goal. The daily HABIT TRACKER measures and monitors your progress with one easy tap to and from your daily planning page.
Our Life Assessment Tools give you a 360 degree look at your life, then show what a life more fully centered around Jesus Christ means for you. Imagine having a clear direction and focus for your life throughout 2022.

(Let Jesus) Restore Your Soul Every Day.
Picture yourself spending quality time with the Lord without needing to keep track of journals, devotionals, Bible study notes, prayer lists, or bulky Bibles. The 2022 Christian Planner includes ALL of these and you don't even need internet access to use them.

And as your PERSONAL digital planner, you have lots of extra blank pages, notebooks, and various page layouts to customize and make your own.

Give thanks each morning with your GRATITUDE JOURNAL. Spend time in God's Word with your modern English translation BEREAN STUDY BIBLE. Receive inspiration and encouragement through your DAILY DEVOTIONAL, the classic, best-selling STREAMS IN THE DESERT.

Pour out your heart to God through your PRAYER JOURNAL. Bring your tablet to church or small group and take SERMON NOTES you can easily find again through your linked index.

The 2022 Christian Planner gives you:
A Flexible System
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, yet He leads each of us at a daily, personal level. With this in mind, the Christian Planner includes many tools to support you on your journey.
But if you're just getting started with digital planning, or not really into goals or habit trackers, then simply use only what's helpful to you at the present moment. You can relax, knowing more specialized tools are "there for you" as part of your toolkit should you want or need them down the road.
Quality Content
Now you can manage your personal, professional, and spiritual life from one place with the Key Command Christian Planner. More than just a digital planner, we provide rich, proven, and meaningful content to assist not only your scheduling, but your spiritual growth and formation.
You will not find another "all-in-one" Christian Planner like this!
Ongoing Support
We're here to help support you in your spiritual growth and in reaching your goals for 2022. At this point in time, we are planning more content such as online courses, YouTube videos, blog articles, and group coaching.
(Be sure to sign up to our mailing list so we can let you know when new content is released.)
Here’s Everything Included in Your Planner:
2022 Digital Planner
Stay on top of your schedule with Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Views with easy two-tap navigation to every day of the year. Custom templates and blank pages let you customize your planner as you see fit.

Christian Growth Tools
Stay inspired and connected to the Lord daily with a daily gratitude journal, the modern translation Berean Study Bible, the classic Streams in the Desert devotional, a prayer journal with the classic God's Minute, Bible study notes and a Bible reading log,

Goal Planning Guide & Tools
Life Assessment Tools help you envision your personalized Christ-centered life. The Goal Planner guides you setting SMARTER quarterly goals, and a Habit Tracker keeps you on track to reach them.

Here’s What They're Saying:
The planner is awesome! All the links work really well, tons of content and resources. The Ideal Self section is probably my favorite; as someone who's not particularly introspective I can see that being really helpful. Churches have moved to digital for things like worship planning, databases, and communication, but I haven't really seen much innovation on this front. I think it's a great step forward!
Technical Director, First Covenant Church, Salina, KS
What you’ll get when you order today:
The 2022 Key Command Christian Planner is a 3,773 page interactive PDF downloaded after purchase. Your planner can be used on a laptop or desktop computer—however, using a tablet and a stylus allows you to draw and write by hand on the pages, giving you an experience similar to writing on a journal/planner/Bible (without all the bulk!).
Once you download your file, you can import it into your favorite PDF note-taking or markup app, such as GoodNotes, Notability, Noteshelf, or Xodo. (If you are new to digital planning, these apps add functionality to your planner, such as drawing perfect shapes, adding "stickers," photos, or additional blank pages.) See our FAQs below for more info.
We offer a 30 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase.

30 Day Money Back, No Questions Asked Guarantee!
You are fully protected by our 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, for any reason at all, simply contact us within 30 days of purchase and our helpful support staff will promptly issue a refund.
A digital planner is a specialized kind of PDF that gives you the "virtual" equivalent of using a traditional physical planner. But instead physically grabbing tabs or flipping through pages by hand, you tap or click on virtual tabs or items which link directly to other pages in the document. Since you’re not simply reading a PDF but interacting with it, it's called an interactive PDF. These kinds of PDFs are designed to be used on a tablet (iPad/Surface) and loaded/imported into a PDF markup app (such as GoodNotes, Notability, Noteshelf or Xodo) which lets you write/draw on the planner and navigate it by taps/clicks.
No, this is not an app, and you don't need to be online or use a web browser to use it. The Christian Planner is a special kind of PDF document designed to be used with a note-taking or markup app.
Apps such as GoodNotes (Apple) or Xodo (Windows) can import the PDF and let you interact with the planner using their markup/note-taking tools and features.
To summarize, the Christian Planner is not an app, but you need a note-taking/PDF markup app to use it.
Although the planner has thousands of links, they are internal to the PDF, and don't use or require the web. You only need an internet connection to buy and download the planner.
For the best user experience, you will need:
- a tablet (iPad, Surface)
- A stylus or Apple Pencil
- A PDF Markup or note-taking app (which lets you draw/write on or annotate a PDF)
- Such as: GoodNotes 5, Notability, ZoomNotes (Apple)
- Xodo (Microsoft/Google)
- (Please note: OneNote and Evernote do not recognize the internal links of an interactive PDF and are not compatible with the planner.)
Yes, it is possible to use this on a Mac with the GoodNotes 5 app, or on a PC with the Xodo app. Just be aware that you will need to use your mouse/trackpad to draw or write "by hand." Text can be easily added via text boxes, so if the handwriting/drawing part of the planner is not important to you, then you should be fine.
Not for 2022. We hope to offer more formats in the future. We chose a landscape orientation to allow for generous margins and white space. We chose a Monday start date because for most people the "work week" begins on a Monday and it's visually helpful to group Saturdays and Sundays together at the end of a week (even if we consider Sunday the first day of the week theologically).
Paul wrote in Romans 5:5, "One person regards a certain day above the others, while someone else considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind." And in Colossians 2:16 he instructed, "Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a Sabbath."
MAC OS/iOS: We have tested the Christian Planner most extensively with GoodNotes 5 and that would be our top recommendation. GoodNotes has a MacOS and iOS app to open/use your planner on any Apple device: laptop, desktop, iPad, or iPhone. (But we tend to stick with our iPad Pro.)
We have not tested as thoroughly with ZoomNotes (iOS), but we didn't encounter any issues with it.
For Android/Window devices, we recommend Xodo.
(Remember, we also have a 30-day money back guarantee if you run into problems or are not satisfied with your purchase.)
Not at this time, no.
Your planner is a type of file, (the "F" in PDF (F = file) that when imported into a PDF Markup app (GoodNotes/Xodo) lets you interact with it and edit it. You can navigate pages via links, write and draw, and import static pictures/photos. But there's no way to directly import or sync with a calendar or other app.
Your planner can be stored in an iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. account, allowing you make changes, save, and open it across multiple devices (tablet, phone, laptop), but it is technically a file, not an app.
Maybe down the road we'll develop an app, but that is not currently on our roadmap.
We wish we could give an unqualified "Definitely Yes," but if you have an older tablet, or use a different PDF Markup app from what we have tested and recommend, then the planner may not work or function as expected.
This is why we offer a 30-day money back guarantee. Most businesses make the sale of digital products final at the time of purchase, but we want to provide exceptional customer service and eliminate the risk for you.
You might first purchase and install one of the recommended PDF markup apps from the Apple or Android app store before making your purchase here to ensure the app works well on your device. With so much content included in your planner, it is a large file and some PDF markup apps we didn't recommend occasionally struggled to keep up.
When Jesus was asked which commandment is the greatest, He replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37–40)
You might say these are the key commands. Software also has key commands (or shortcuts) to help you get things done more quickly and efficiently.
That’s our hope for this planner. That over the course of the year it would help people grow in love for God and for others and be productive in His service.
Ready to Regain Control and Restore Your Soul?